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Posted 5/22/2014

Principle #2: The education of children and youth is a 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week process thatcontinues from birth till maturity. Deuteronomy 6:7; 11:19; Proverbs 22:6

Dear Parents,

 Summer is upon us, and we want to take a momentto return to the topic of influence.  We touched on thisbriefly during Family Appreciation Week.  Each of us is distinctly awareof the limited amount of time we get to spend with our kids.  Every day asmy daughter grows and changes, I get excited about her future and also feel theweight of responsibility that she will never be this age again.  Time isour most valuable resource, and we all want to use it wisely.

 Remember, this will be your student’s last 2nd grade, 7th grade, or freshmansummer….next summer they will be a year older, technology in our homes willhave increased, and there will be a new set of influences fighting for theirtime.  The education of children is a 24/7/365 process that continues frombirth through maturity.

 So let’s talk about that process.  Thebrain matures in different areas depending on the age of your child. Certain seasons of their lives are best for forming critical connectionsin the brain.  The more actively your child puts his or her education intopractice day to day, the stronger these connections become.  Reinforcingthe investment you made this year into your student simply means engaging hisbrain in everyday life by engaging the heart.  The method is up to you. The grocery store is a great place to begin to reinforce arithmetic andvocabulary.  Find games you can play on the road to enhance spelling andgeography.  Use YouTube or Pinterest to find safe and fun scienceexperiments.  Teach her to follow a recipe, plant a garden, or visitmuseums together.

 The investment of time you make in your studentthis summer will link his education to the proper center of motivation…theheart.  It will reinforce not only academics, but also spiritualformation.  I know I’m looking forward to taking my daughter to anaquarium and a zoo as I begin speaking to her about all that God has created!This is the only summer you get this year, so make the most of it.

 Jump on our Facebook page today and share howyou plan to influence your students this summer so we can continue to encourageyou!


Lee Taylor

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